
March 2017

  • March Waste Report
    March Waste Report Doing our bit for the Environment and recycling 93% of our waste in March, preventing 37.2 cubic yards of waste going to landfill ...
  • February & March Employee of the Month
    'Chris Livermore' and 'Tony Clift' were nominated for employee of the month by Peter for taking time out of their busy schedules to take part in Southend Sleepeasy 2017. Well done to both of you for taking part without your efforts and the people that supported us, it wouldn’t of been possible. ...
  • H W Wilson Ltd raise money by sleeping rough
    H W Wilson Ltd Director Peter Wiffen along with two staff members took to the streets of Southend on 4th March to help raise money for young homeless people...
  • H W Wilson Ltd Sponsor The Thurrock Gang Show’s 50th Anniversary Performance.
    H W Wilson Ltd Sponsor The Thurrock Gang Show’s 50th Anniversary Performance. THURROCK’S Thameside Theatre will once again play host to the Thurrock Scout & Guide Gang Show as they present their annual variety show and the opening night is tonight, and is set to be another great show. This year’s cast of around 70 members aged nine years and over are supported by a similar number behind the scenes...