
October 2013

  • Power outage!
    We have had absolutely no power since 7am this morning due to the "big storm" so big apologies to anyone who has been trying to get in touch with us!  We do now have electricity and are working through replying to and emails and voicemails we have received during this time!   Thanks for bearing with us during this time.  ...
  • A Thank You in Business Buzz
    Check out this quarter's edition of Business Buzz where we get a special mention for our work at Opportunity Thurrock...
  • Awards at Grays Convent High School.
    We were privileged this morning to award 2 of our competition prizes to girls from 'The Grays Convent High School'...
  • Macmillan Coffee Morning
    Supporting our local community is second nature to us, but it is with immense pride that we can post the attached photo, along with news that the Macmillan coffee morning held at 'The Ockendon Hub' and supported by our 'cake serving builders' raised over an immense £600 at this event alone...
  • Opportunity Knocked for us!
      Yesterday the 2nd October saw the 2nd annual ‘Opportunity Thurrock’ event held this time at ‘The Backstage Centre’ High House Production Park, Purfleet...