
The Dream Factory comes to HWW


After receiving a very special letter from an inspiring young girl, we just had to find out more!

8year old Deborah Awe having met a child suffering from an incurable disease set about finding out as much as possible about a wonderful charity called 'Dream Factory' that raises funds to make 'Dreams come true' and was trying to help the new young friend she had met.

Initially Deborah selflessly donated all her gifts from her 1st holy communion to the charity so that they could bring joy to the children in care. Now she continually raises money when and wherever she can with the help of her proud parents and younger sister.

H W Wilson have teamed up, and provided an initial cash sponsorship, and will continue to support by selling raffle tickets at our upcoming Christmas Party. For any more details of this worthwhile cause, check out Deborah's 'Just Giving' page on or why not google

Good luck Deborah, we will keep in touch....

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