
HW Wilson Ltd Celebrate 85 Years



6 February 2015



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Photo: Detached property being built in West Road circa 1936


In 1928 Essex building firm H W Wilson was founded by Henry Wilson in the same year that John Logie Baird demonstrated the world's first colour television transmission and the Tyne Bridge connecting Newcastle upon Tyne and Gateshead was opened.

In 2015 H W Wilson Ltd, still going strong, will celebrate its 85th birthday in style on the date of its Incorporation, 20 February.

Past and present employees will raise a glass at one of the companies most recently completed projects the 220-seat "Woodys" restaurant at Thurrock Garden centre. Each current employee will also receive £85 INTU Lakeside gift vouchers as a thank you from the company.

Henry Wilson's aim was to provide a quality building service for the local community using a local workforce. 85 years on this emphasis on 'local' is still central to all things the company does.

H W Wilson's first client was Dr. Barnado for who the company built various children's homes across Essex. The company has continued to work for public and not-for-profit organisations ever since.

Over the years H W Wilson's client base has greatly increased to include the Local Authority, local landowners and churches. H W Wilson was also responsible for the construction of the original Roomes Stores in Upminster and constructed private houses for sale in Cheelson Road, Wilsman Road, West Road and North Road, South Ockendon. Towards the end of 20th Century bigger clients included Royal & Sun Alliance and The Port of Tilbury.

A successful management buy-out in 2005 has been instrumental in the success of the last decade with increased client base, reputation, turnover and profit.

The company today is led by Managing Director Peter Wiffen, who started as an apprentice at the company 27 years ago. He is supported by Contracts Director Philip Pearson.

H W Wilson employ 27 members of staff with a total of 367 years combined service and currently has a fleet of 12 vans

H W Wilson Started trading from their family home in South Ockendon then in the 1950s they purchased the old British School Building in North Road and built their current workshop, office and yard.


Peter Wiffen:

"It is a privilege to lead a company as H W Wilson - especially leading it into its 85th year. This is a proud company that has never forgotten its roots nor its traditional values of providing the highest quality service by using local experienced tradesmen and efficient management".  


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                               Same property and company still going strong in 2015

Recent Contracts include:

  • Thurrock Garden Centre - New 220 seat restaurant and extended shop area
  • Palmers College - Conversion of redundant swimming pool to three x IT suites
  • King George Hospital - Refurbishment of hospital ward to form new Life Study Centre
  • Thurrock Hospital - Formation of memory garden and café

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